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News, Interviews and recommendations from High Spirit Bags.


Global Citizen: Meet Sian

Josh okungbaiye

We had the pleasure of meeting Sian! She's a really cool individual and is full of Life! She is also a Fashion/Beauty/Lifestyle blogger. Check her out on We are glad to introduce to you Sian! Enjoy! :-)

What is your favourite thing about living in London?

I love that everything is so diverse... That in one place there is so many different kinds of people & food!

Where in the World would you like to visit?

EVERYWHERE - I love to travel, so I literally have so many places on my list too see. I think I would love to go Dubai next!

Where is your favourite place to eat in London?

STK - I love the food & atmosphere

What do you love doing?

Going out to eat in new places & trying different cuisines

3 favourite things everyone should do in London?


      (2) Dining in the sky

      (3) Going to the theatre