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How to Avoid Pickpockets in Italy

Josh okungbaiye

How to Avoid Pickpockets in Italy .jpg

Although pickpocket spots are similar for every major city, here are a few tips to avoid pickpockets in Italy.

pickpocketing in rome

1) In Rome, specifically beware of Termini, the No. 64 bus (which shuttles back and forth to St. Peter's Square), and the trains to and from Fiumicino (the international airport).

2) While at a restaurant, especially outside, NEVER put your belongings on the ground, under the table or hanging on your chair behind. Make sure to place near you, in sight. Furthermore, don't hang your jacket on the back of chair if there's anything in the pockets.

3) In Milan, avoid Central Station after 9 p.m and walk the city late at night alone as pickpockets take advantage of the darkness. Furthermore, after using an ATM, check the transactions as "skimming" fraud, where your data is stolen, occurs in Italy.

4) In Verona, avoid Portoni della Bra, the City Gate, which is the entrance to Centro Storico of Verona as it is considered one of the most crowded places; the perfect place for pickpockets to act.

5) Naples, a seaside dream, is notorious for pickpockets. When visiting, avoid walking through dark alleys and streets alone. Keep all your belongings with you and carry as little as possible.

Nicole Fernandez Medina