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News, Interviews and recommendations from High Spirit Bags.


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High Spirit Factory Music: Part 6

Josh okungbaiye

As we are in the factory designing more bags for you guys, here is the latest round of music from artists that have inspired us. We hope they inspire you too! :-) - Click on the images to enjoy the music. :-)

Major Key - DJ Khaled

Major Key - DJ Khaled

This is Acting - SIA

This is Acting - SIA

Anti - Rihanna

Anti - Rihanna

I'm Up - Young Thug

I'm Up - Young Thug




Josh okungbaiye

Here is our latest round of factory music for all of you. These albums have kept us inspired while designing new products for you guys :-). Click on the images to enjoy the music! :-)

Lemonade - Beyoncé 

Lemonade - Beyoncé 

Coloring Book - Chance The Rapper

Coloring Book - Chance The Rapper

Konnichiwa - Skepta

Konnichiwa - Skepta

Views - Drake

Views - Drake

Top 5 UK Festivals you have to experience!

Josh okungbaiye

Hi Wonderful People! Summer is coming and music festival season is fast approaching. There will be a lot of wonderful festivals and events happening in the UK during this time, but just to make things a little easier for you here are our top 5 UK Music Festivals you have to experience. Enjoy! (Click the images to check out their websites) :-)

Glastonbury Festival, Pilton, Somerset: 22-26 Jun 2016